[Users] Choice of "from" addresses

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 18:03:34 CEST 2020

Hey there,

Paul wrote:
>Little Girl wrote: 

>> https://lists.claws-mail.org/pipermail/users/2020-October/027022.html  

>The OP here says he has the POP accounts, in the thread you cite the
>OP specifically said he did not have POP accounts corresponding to
>the addresses he receives mail on. Opposite situations.

Ah, I see. Well, then the current OP might like my suggestion. I use
POP accounts and the steps I posted earlier in this thread are making
it so that Claws Mail is currently addressing all outgoing emails by
using the "To:" field of the incoming emails they're in reply to
regardless of which folder I happen to be in at the time. It has
neatly solved my issue without all of my folders needing to be

>> It looks like I overlooked the suggestion to filter the mail into
>> different folders on arrival and set a default account in the
>> "Compose" tab of each of the folder's properties. That one seemed
>> like the most solid suggestion of those that were offered at the
>> time.  

>Again an opposite. My initial response said that this could actually
>be the cause of the problem rather than the solution. 

Yes and no. You're right that it could cause the problem if it was in
the default Inbox (or wherever all of the OP's email had arrived) and
if that's where all replies originated from, but the solution I was
talking about recommended intentionally filtering all incoming mail
to be moved from the default Inbox into specified folders, each of
which would have the "Compose" tabs in their folder properties set to
send all replies to mails in that folder from the specified email
address. It would work and wouldn't cause any issues, but for those
of us who would rather have all incoming email coming into the one
default Inbox rather than into all sorts of other folders, it would
involve some restructuring of how we do things, so I hadn't done it

>> Just curious, but when wouldn't they? Wouldn't all the mail that
>> you ever write come from one of your existing accounts?  

>Forwarding addresses, for example. Refer back to the thread you
>cited for this.

Ah, okay, thanks. I don't know about everyone else, though, but I
wouldn't want Claws Mail intercepting those and changing them in any
way. When I forward an email, I forward it in its original entirety
for the other person to examine. I've never had any experience in
forwarding any for any other reason, so I didn't even consider that.
Learn something new every day, I suppose.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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