[Users] Choice of "from" addresses

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 17:12:26 CEST 2020

Hey there,

Paul wrote:
>Little Girl wrote: 

>> We recently had a discussion on this in here and the result was
>> that the best approach would be to direct mail to specific folders
>> in Claws Mail and then create a template in each folder to make
>> sure the correct "From" address is always used.  

>Not exactly, no, that was not agreed as the best approach for this

You're right. There wasn't really an agreement. I suppose I should
have linked to the discussion. Here's the entire thread:


It looks like I overlooked the suggestion to filter the mail into
different folders on arrival and set a default account in the
"Compose" tab of each of the folder's properties. That one seemed
like the most solid suggestion of those that were offered at the time.

>This is not the same situation.

I got the impression that the OP in that thread was after the same
thing as the OP is after in this thread. Both want the "From:" field
of the reply to be filled out from the "To:" field of the email
that's being replied to.

>The 'automatic account selection' works fine when all the addresses
>that you use correspond to your account's addresses.

Just curious, but when wouldn't they? Wouldn't all the mail that you
ever write come from one of your existing accounts?

>You're referring to a different situation from this.

Okay, but I'm not sure what's different about it. If so, then my
apologies for the noise. Otherwise, hopefully Francois will chime
back in and let us know whether he's after what I was after or if
he's after something else entirely.

Also, if he's not after the solution I posted in my previous message
in this thread, maybe he'll like one of the ones in that thread linked
to above.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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