[Users] Settings for message colors

Paul paul at claws-mail.org
Fri Jun 28 15:22:46 UTC 2024

On Fri, 28 Jun 2024 19:50:10 +0600
Dustin Miller <dustbiz at gmail.com> wrote: 

> DM: This has been asked on this list before, so if you figure out a good
> way to search the message archives, I'm guessing you can find the
> answer in one or more messages / threads. (Or maybe you'll get lucky,
> and another person on this list will [re-] post the solution for you.
> 🙂️) I'm pretty sure it's not available as a Claws setting since it's
> likely controlled by GTK. From my memory, I think people have resolved
> this type of thing by either using a different theme or by tweaking the
> CSS settings for the theme they use or for all GTK, although some CSS
> tweaks may be able to be made only for Claws. HTH,

Dustin, you are on the wrong track. It sounded initially like a question
relating to the gtk theme, but it's not.

with regards


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