[Users] Settings for message colors

Dustin Miller dustbiz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 13:50:10 UTC 2024

On Fri, 28 Jun 2024 13:33:01 -0000
claws at sritch.com wrote:

> CM 4.3.0 on opensuse leap 15.6
> I use the Nordic (grey) themes.
> In the message, the quoted portions are dark blue on my grey
> background, it's difficult to read. I wanted to change the colors,
> went to clawsker > colours but I don't see a setting for it.
> Where do I set it to change it to a lighter blue?
DM: This has been asked on this list before, so if you figure out a good
way to search the message archives, I'm guessing you can find the
answer in one or more messages / threads. (Or maybe you'll get lucky,
and another person on this list will [re-] post the solution for you.
🙂️) I'm pretty sure it's not available as a Claws setting since it's
likely controlled by GTK. From my memory, I think people have resolved
this type of thing by either using a different theme or by tweaking the
CSS settings for the theme they use or for all GTK, although some CSS
tweaks may be able to be made only for Claws. HTH, ---Dustin

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