[Users] Unable to send messages

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Sat Mar 12 23:42:48 CET 2022

Dňa 12. marca 2022 22:28:18 UTC používateľ Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com> napísal:
>On 13/03/2022, Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com> wrote:

>Why is claws mail sending the computer name and not the email account
>that is set in the claws mail account?

Because RFC says, that client have to introduce itself by own (FQDN) host name
in HELO/EHLO command. Before you complain, try to learn something about the

But that is not the real problem, real problem is, that you are using SMTP port, not the
Submission(S) one... And many MTA, including my, will filter (beside other rules) bad
HELO name on SMTP port nowadays.



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