[Users] 100% CPU

Norwid Behrnd nbehrnd at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 18 12:09:35 UTC 2022

It is not yet possible to replicate your observation because it lacks
some information.  To clarify:

+ You state 100% CPU is used; what is the setup used, how much RAM
  at all do you have at disposition?  Since you  mention Linux Fedora
  as hosting OS, do you use an optional swap partition and if so, how
  large is this one in addition to the RAM?

+ What type of task do you perform with CM which leads to freezing
  your computer?  If there are other optional programs (unrelated to
  CM) simultaneously working in the background (e.g., a web browser,
  inkscape, etc.), close all of them and check if the same task in CM
  again saturates the CPU.


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