[Users] Reading and then deleting...

Dustin Miller dustbiz at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 12:27:58 UTC 2022

On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 05:46:45 -0600
John B <yonaton at riseup.net> wrote:

>   Things didn't work out so well, but disastrous, as I still have
> 14.2 on a separate computer anyway. The 'problem' there that happened
> was that when I opened my new shiny Claws mail, it showed all my
> Mailboxes and the setup exactly correctly and the number of e-mails
> in each of them. What it *didn't* do was actually still *have* those
> e-mails in those mailboxes.
DM: Hi, John. Probably helpful if you mention whether you're using POP
or IMAP, and perhaps Claws version. Also, did you for sure transfer your
messages (emails) as well as the hidden Claws directory?
>   My *REAL* problem though, is that when I click on a mailbox in the
> Mailbox list, it shows threads (which is what I want), etc. What is
> *NOT* happening and that I can find nothing to solve in the
> 'preferences', is this:
DM: Nothing specific to mention, but you'll probably want to look
through the preferences if you haven't already to see if anything is
related. You'll also want to check out the hidden preferences (see the
Claws website for info), as I'm pretty sure there's at least one
related to this, called something like 'next_on_delete'. Hope these
ideas help you know where to start looking. Maybe someone else will
chime in with more specific info/directions, etc. Cheers, ---Dustin
> When I click on the first message in a thread, it's at the 'top' of
> the thread and the responses to it will thread 'below' each...in
> other words it's starting old-to-new, going down (I have the 'date'
> column set going oldest to newest).
> When I've read that message, I normally will click on the 'Trash'
> button in the menu bar at the top of the screen - and most
> importantly here - I expect the next message to highlight to be read,
> I mean the very first reply to that message I just read (say for
> example, the OP), but what happens instead is, the next highlighted
> message to be read goes to the *LAST* post/reply in that thread, and
> I then have to scroll up (if the thread is long) and find the actual
> post to the message I'd just read.
> If it's *not* a thread, then when I've read a message and I click
> 'Trash', I expect to go to the very next message directly under the
> one I just read and the next in line according to age, yet it too
> takes me to the bottom of all the messages in that mailbox and I have
> to manually scroll back up and click on the next actual message I
> *expected* to highlight and come up to be read by age.
>   This used to work for me properly, but now it's become a major
> headache. Is there something I'm missing in the preferences or not
> doing correctly or maybe not holding my mouth right? Any assistance
> with this will be greatly appreciated, and as usual, thanks to the
> Claws team for such a great MUA. It's still the best as far as I'm
> concerned.

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