[Users] How to make claws put my correct address to the to-field?

claws at dragony.name claws at dragony.name
Sat Oct 10 18:45:28 CEST 2020

> wwp is a developer and has put a fair bit of effort into Claws.
> I think we all get a bit frustrated when someone's particular itch
> causes them to create a massive thread about what they want in Claws
> and they don't either supply a patch or ask in a reasonably nice way.
> Some people come across as entitled when they need to be less so.

I am not aware I did something wrong. I thought I am just not finding a feature and requested help with finding it. To make sure everyone understands what I actually mean, I have written the for-devs-more-understandable-sentence "newmail.header.from = oldmail.header.to" as well. It was not meant as "and now you implement that".

If that feature just does not exist in Claws, I can donate some money so it gets implemented.

And no, I am no robot, I am just privacy aware and instead of flaming such people, we would need much more of them.

- Dragony

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