[Users] PGP in claws (OT)

Renaud OLGIATI (Ron) renaud at olgiati-in-paraguay.org
Fri Apr 3 01:29:27 CEST 2015

On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 22:36:21 +0100
Brian Morrison <bdm at fenrir.org.uk> wrote:

> Yes, and subject to variable legal protection against forced
> decryption depending on where you live. Some people have laws that
> actually protect their privacy, others have laws that allow LEAs to do
> pretty much what they like.

Is there any encryption prog that will, when given a pre-set "wrong" key, deletes all the data ?
                       The reward of a thing well done
                             is to have done it.
                                            -- Emerson
                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

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