[Users] New User - weirdness and bugs continue

Harry Benson dogbrake2 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 23:37:36 CET 2013

Hi All,

Bug 1:
In email addresses with a name preceding them and no quotes, if the
name includes a comma, it is rejected as a faulty recipient address.

wanker, thurston <wanker.thurston at gmail.com>

Claws should be smart enough to skip the name and just use the actual
email address part. I get dozens of emails a day similar to that
example where the Last Name has a comma then a First Name before the
full, complete and correct address.

If a "<" exists in the string then drop everything up to and including
it. Then grab everything up to the trailing ">" or the end of string
if no closing ">"

With quotes it works fine, so it is half way there...
"wanker, thurston" <wanker.thurston at gmail.com>

Weird 1:
In the Filter section if I leave the "Match Case" checkbox as
un-checked, then in the description it shows "matchcase" if I check
the "Match Case" then the description shows "match."

Is it me or is that FdUp? Surely checking the "Match Case" box should
make the description show matchcase.

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