[Users] Claws Mail Extra Plugins 3.9.0 unleashed!!

Holger Berndt berndth at gmx.de
Fri Nov 16 23:55:19 CET 2012

On Do, 15.11.2012 23:25, Ricardo Mones wrote:

>> >As none of the developers have the correct versions of the libs
>> >needed by that plugin, its build was untested until your build :)
>> It's ridiculous that it's so hard to build a project with a dependency
>> that's about 1.5 years old - even with all components being open
>> source! 
>  Well, that's not really true, I routinely build CVS in Debian stable
>  and geolocation plugin builds fine. Of  course, Squeeze is nearly 2
>  years old now...

Yes, you can in fact build it on older distributions, but not on newer
ones. I guess rolling back to an old distribution just to build a
plugin qualifies as "hard".

> And won't be possible to build it in Wheezy when
>  released. As the open source it is, you can assimilate the library
>  into the plugin and you're done.

Assimilating libraries into a tiny plugin also qualifies as "hard". And
actually, that wouldn't solve anything. The older version of the lib is
even parallel-installable - but no major distro does it. Maybe that's
due to lack of interest, or maybe that due to other complications -
because if you actually try to build the old lib version, you'll realize
that it itself has dependencies, which are not so easily parallel
installable. Funny stuff. And hard.

In fact, I did even try to build the plugin before the release,
sand-boxed. Unfortunately, I ran out of time - because it's so
ridiculously time-consuming.

But hey, even if I had succeeded, and would have been able to make
sure that the plugin actually builds, no user with a remotely recent
distro could have build it anyways, without jumping through the same
hoops. Hurray.

>> It's a joke. What a toy system. No wonder desktop linux is
>> such a failure. As I professional, I would run away as fast as I
>> could, too (of course only after doing some finger-pointing and
>> having a good laugh). </rant>
>  ROTFL. That should teach you a couple of things: not depend on GNOME
>  libraries 

Aehm ... you are aware that glib and gtk+ are GNOME libs, right?

And actually - you think GNOME libs are worse that others? Sure. Have
fun looking for something more stable. That's a tough job.

We don't even need to look far - look at Claws Mail plugin ABI. What?
We don't have a stable ABI? Okay, then look at the API. What? We don't
have a plugin API? Ups.

Maybe we don't need one because we don't have third-party plugins. Or
maybe we don't have third-party plugins because we don't have a plugin
API. Who knows..

> and not depend on libraries with << 1.0 versions ;-)

0.8 is not << 1.0, it's < 1.0. And no < 1.0 on linux - that's a funny
one, indeed. No wonder you're rolling on the floor.

Besides, the real issue causing this problem is 2.0 vs 3.0 of another
lib further down in the dependency stack, as you very well know.

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