[Users] How to check if Bogofilter is still working?

Gil Weber gilweber at bellsouth.net
Thu May 30 13:35:25 UTC 2024

On Thu, 30 May 2024 08:51:46 +0100
Brad Rogers <brad at fineby.me.uk> wrote:

> On Thu, 30 May 2024 09:44:51 +0200
> "Jakub T. Jankiewicz" <jcubic at onet.pl> wrote:
> Hello Jakub,
> >I've notice that I started getting evident SPAM that are not marked
> >as such.  
> Evident to you.  You have to train bogofilter.  Mark each unidentified
> spam message as spam.  Over time, filtering will improve.  Equally,
> you should feed bogofilter a good selection of ham.
> This is an ongoing process.  As spammers get more creative, filtering
> tech has to be taught their new strategies.

Hello, Brad. Hope you can help me get Bogofilter running as it
appears(?) to be doing nothing.

I see this instruction when I open "Configuration" and highlight

>This plugin can check all messages that are received from an IMAP,
>LOCAL or POP account for spam using Bogofilter. You will need
>Bogofilter installed locally.

>Before Bogofilter can recognize spam messages, you have to train it by
>marking a few hundred spam and ham messages with the use of "/Mark/Mark
>as spam" and "/Mark/Mark as ham".

My first question is how do I know if Bogofilter is installed
"locally?" If I open System Monitor and then click the "processes" tab I
can see Bogofilter. Does this mean it is installed "locally?"

If not, how do I get it installed locally?

If it is already installed locally then for more than a year I have 
highlighted every e-mail message selecting either "Learn as Ham" or
"Learn as Spam." I do not see anywhere to mark as either "/Mark/Mark
as spam" and "/Mark/Mark as ham".

I have marked literally thousands of e-mails either Ham or Spam 
but upon downloading the messages absolutely none have 
gone automatically into the "Save spam in" location which
is   #mh/Mailbox/inbox/1spam  

Instead the only messages going into the spam folder are those
I've manually marked and moved for later deletion.

I can only guess that I have overlooked some simple setting and 
Bogofilter currently is not learning and does not know what to do with
the messages I have marked as both spam and ham.

Am I missing something absurdly simple to get Bogofilter to filter?


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