[Users] can send but not reply from claws in comcast.net account

Jeremy Nicoll jn.ml.clwm.729 at letterboxes.org
Sun May 12 09:19:56 UTC 2024

On Sun, 12 May 2024, at 00:07, George Avrunin wrote:

> The network log just shows 
>    ** error occurred on authentication
>    *** Authentication failed:
>    535 5.7.0 ...authentication rejected (6)

Is Comcast one of these huge ISPs with hopelessly bad technical 
support, or are they staffed by helpful people?

If the latter, ask them to look at their server logs and find out why 
they are rejecting the authentication attempt.

If the former.... maybe consider finding a better mail provider?
Unless Comcast prohibit use of providers other than themselves?

(In the UK I use one of the mass-market broadband providers, who
are renowned for awful customer support though IF one can get
past the first & second level people to those with technical
knowledge they're fine.  Eg reporting a routeing problem in their
network was hard because initial advisers ddin't understand that
rebooting my modem couldn't fix the problem.

Anyway... I do not use their email facilities at all - instead I use 
two (let's not have all my eggs in one basket) technically 
proficient paid-for mail hosts - one in the UK, one Australian 
owned with servers in the US.

Both of them will look at logs if I ask them to.)

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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