[Users] Claws Mail 4.3.0. / 3.21.0 Unleashed!!!

Paul paul at claws-mail.org
Thu Jun 13 17:59:31 UTC 2024

On Thu, 13 Jun 2024 19:03:32 +0200
Ralf Mardorf via Users <users at lists.claws-mail.org> wrote: 

> Then clone the git repository by running
> git clone https://git.claws-mail.org/readonly/claws.git 
> Then you need to checkout the wanted GTK2 branch, regarding
> https://git.claws-mail.org/?p=claws.git;a=commit;h=c98c630fe0937ac91a391a210c1ad9097e7df0be
> you seem to need to run the following for 3.21.0:	
> cd claws/
> git checkout c98c630fe0937ac91a391a210c1ad9097e7df0be
> Then you need to build it by running
> make clean
> ./autogen.sh --build=$HOSTTYPE-foobar-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr
> --disable-static --enable-crash-dialog
> You probably need to replace "foobar" by "debian" and I'm not sure if the
> options are still ok nowadays.
> Then get the version by running:
> sh version
> It should be 3.21.0 .	
> Then build claws by running
> make
> Then build a package by running
> sudo checkinstall

That's way more complex than it needs to be.

with regards


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