[Users] Saving draft doesn't set msg mode as specified in draft folder properties

Mat mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl
Tue Jul 30 14:32:10 UTC 2024

Small correction: if the mail folder is local (same file system) then
the chmod works, 641 becomes 661 (the '1' is not lost as I wrote
earlier, I looked in the wrong place earlier).

The problem is in the copy_file function. In mh.c, function mh_add_msgs
(around line 416) , it first tries to hard link the temporary file to
the new (draft) msg file name (number). This works for a local file. If
the file is on another file system, it cannot hard link, thus calls the
copy_file function. But this function does not get passed the needed
chmod values, or some way to retrieve them. And it is called at 26
places in the source.

Regards, Mat

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