[Users] Saving draft doesn't set msg mode as specified in draft folder properties

Paul paul at claws-mail.org
Tue Jul 30 14:05:48 UTC 2024

On Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:49:30 +0200
Mat via Users <users at lists.claws-mail.org> wrote: 

> - debug_print does print to the terminal, but for some reason it
>   doesn´t always show there for me. I guess I lose about half of them,
>   that is why I started using log_message . This works fine.

This is not possible. (Unless by 'lose' you just mean they are there but you
just can't find them in the output.)

> - "The second 6 is hardcoded" is indeed confusing. What the code does
>   is that if for group or others the folder's chmod is set to read, it
>   always sets it to write also, so a 4 will become a 6. compose.c, line
>   10358. I actually don't know what the reason for this is.

line 10358 in compose.c is:

	} else if (change_file_mode_rw(fp, tmp) < 0) {

If you reach this line then you do not have the folder_chmod option
activated. So this is your problem, you have not set the folder property.

with regards


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