[Users] pgpcore causes segfault when checking S/MIME signature of special mail

Marco Moock mm at dorfdsl.de
Wed Jul 3 17:26:01 UTC 2024

Am 03.07.2024 um 15:40:46 Uhr schrieb Paul:

> On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 16:37:19 +0200
> Marco Moock <mm at dorfdsl.de> wrote: 
> > > You should report this upstream, to the GnuPG project.    
> > 
> > I did.  
> A reference to it would be useful.


> > > I can't verify this crash, as I have version 1.6.6, which can't
> > > check the signature ("Error checking the signature"), as you say,
> > > and says "gpgme_op_verify failed: Invalid CMS object" in the
> > > debug output.    
> > 
> > 1.6.7 makes CM segfault with that email.
> > That is what my question is about.
> > Is it "ok" that CM crashes here or should there be a proper error
> > message?  
> I installed libksba 1.6.7 but don't get a crash. Instead the UI says
> "Timeout checking the signature" and the debug output shows the
> additional message "Operation was cancelled".

I am running Debian Sid and use CM and the gpg/libksba stuff from the
repo. Can you reproduce it there with my test mail?


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