[Users] Google/Gmail App Password Auto-Input

Lucus Bauder bauderlj at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 16:12:41 UTC 2023


First time using a mailing list like this, so apologies if there's some
kind of etiquette I am missing.

User Story:
I am (as you can probably tell) using a @gmail address with Claws Mail,
and have managed to set it up correctly enough to send this! I am still
being prompted, however, on every restart to re-enter my app password
to this program. Part of the reason why I decided to move from the web
app was the annoyance of having to two-factor log in to my account just
to check emails daily (logging out regularly for privacy concerns), and
this seems to be much of a similar prospect.
/end User Story

Long story short, what can I do to actually store the app password
within Claws Mail for automatic use?

Thanks in advance for the help, should anybody do so!

If there is a solution to this problem, it may be worthwhile if
somebody who has access to the wiki update this article to make it more
clear for dummies like me.


Also, in case the devs watch this list, thanks for making this program!

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