[Users] Sending email not working at all; on startup receiviing is unbearably slow.

rolfturner at posteo.net rolfturner at posteo.net
Tue Nov 28 03:03:36 UTC 2023

As of this morning (New Zealand time) I have been having the problems 
indicated in the subject  line.

When I try to send a message, the wheel of death spins interminably, and 
then the process times out with
an error message in a pop-up window to the effect that it had indeed 
timeout and to see the log file.

After the initial length wait, when I start claws-mail, receiving email 
seems (as far as I've beem able to test)
to go at a reasonable clip.

Everything was working fine yesterday.

Can anyone suggest how I i might track down what is going wrong?

I have attached a text file "clawsLog.txt" containing the log file that 
manifested itself after the time-out.

I am sending this message from the web interface for my email service 
provider, in the hope that sending will
work from there.


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