[Users] Fcc option

Paul paul at claws-mail.org
Wed Jul 26 08:25:09 UTC 2023

On Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:35:47 +0200
Charles Stroom via Users <users at lists.claws-mail.org> wrote: 

> Hi, is it possible to add an "Fcc:" item to the addressing options which
> at present include only "To Cc Bcc Newsgroups Reply-To Followup-To".
> All sent mail will be stored in folder "Sent".  I will have to go thru
> that folder and move the individual emails to the appropriate one. An
> Fcc would to this while sending the email and would save me some work.

Yes. But are you talking about the header, or the header+value?

You have options:

If you want the Fcc: header to be present in the drop-down every time you
open a Compose window, open ~/.claws-mail/extraheaderrc and add


You don't need to restart Claws Mail for this to be effective, the file is
read every time you open a new Compose window.

The extraheaderrc file is mentioned on the man page, `man claws-mail`.

If you want to add it manually to the Compose window, then open
~/claws-mail/clawsrc when Claws Mail is not running and change (if necessary)
the following pref to 1, thus:


Then you can type Fcc: (or any other header) yourself whenever needed.

with regards


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