[Users] claws-mail impap-error Port 993 tls on Macos

David Fletcher David at megapico.co.uk
Mon Dec 4 14:22:49 UTC 2023

HI Steffe,

>From the log file there are entries like this:

> ld: Undefined symbols:
>   _SecCertificateCopyData, referenced from:
>       _mailstream_low_cfstream_get_certificate_chain in libetpan.a[162](mailstream_cfstream.o)

so it looks like a problem with libetpan rather than with Claws. Did you
compile that using the gnutls option?

  ./configure --with-gnutls

I notice that libetpan can be configured with a directory where gnutls is
located - but I've never tried setting this. Maybe you can check the
configuration log of libetpan to see if it did correctly find the
libgnutls files. You should find a line saying "#define USE_GNUTLS 1"
within config.log in the libetpan folder if it has found your gnutls

The linker flags shown in your log file already include
-L/usr/local/Cellar/gnutls/3.8.2/lib suggesting that gnutls is included
but in a non-standard folder. Sometimes Homebrew will do this to avoid
conflict with system files.

You could check that libgnutls is correctly linked from the more
accessible standard location, e.g. go to /usr/local/lib and using ls -l
check that this link exist:

libgnutls.30.dylib -> ../Cellar/gnutls/3.8.2/lib/libgnutls.30.dylib

Other than checking these things I'm not sure what else to suggest.

Best regards, David.

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