[Users] Claws Mail Can't Connect to Internet With Specific Internet Connection

Paul Rolland rol at witbe.net
Tue Oct 11 15:47:20 UTC 2022


On Tue, 11 Oct 2022 20:45:31 +0600
Dustin Miller <dustbiz at gmail.com> wrote:

> DM: Thanks, Paul R, it's quite helpful to know about this method of
> testing. With the 'okay' connection and using 'pop.gmail.com', I got
> what looked like expected output without any noticeable errors. With
> the 'problem' connection, I got no output at all. I also tried
> 'smtp.gmail.com' with port 587 on the 'problem' connection; once again,
> no output (on the 'okay' connection it gives output w/o any errors).

For SMTP, it's a little bit different:
openssl s_client -host smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -starttls smtp
and you should have a "250 xxxxx" messsage, such as:

> DM: I'm not sure what to gather from these results. Does it mean that
> the problem is likely something local on my system before there is any
> connection to the internet? Or is it still possible that it could be an
> issue outside of my system (local network device settings, or ISP
> settings)? 

It really looks like a network issue, but it's hard to dig without asking
you to key in some commands. People have suggested some traceroute, I
second that.
For example, if the test with smtp.gmail.com doesn't work and you have no
"250 xxxxx" message, you can try:
traceroute smtp.gmail.com
and post the result here.


Paul Rolland                                E-Mail : rol(at)witbe.net
CTO - Witbe.net SA                          Tel. +33 (0)1 47 67 77 77
18 Rue d'Arras, Bat. A11                    Fax. +33 (0)1 47 67 77 99
F-92000 Nanterre                            RIPE : PR12-RIPE

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or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you
when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'"
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