[Users] Building CM on Windows 11 with MSys2 MinGW

Enan Ajmain 3nan.ajmain at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 11:22:42 CET 2022

On Fri, 25 Nov 2022 03:03:32 -0700
Jonathan Boeing <jonathan at claws-mail.org> wrote:
> Is it failing when running 'make' for the Installer, or are you trying
> to 'configure' and 'make' the Claws package directly?

It's failing when running `make` for the Installer. I am assuming the
Claws package will be built automatically by the Installer's makefile.

> The environment needs to be set up properly, otherwise it'll find
> devel packages for the linux system like you're seeing.
> If you just want to apply patches, name them 02_, 03_, etc. and drop
> them in the patches/claws_mail/ folder.

> To build Claws outside of the installer build system, do:
> export SYSROOT=/home/enan/projects/claws-mail-win32-4.1.1-1/src/playground
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/enan/projects/claws-mail-win32-4.1.1-1/src/playground/install/lib/pkgconfig
> export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/home/enan/projects/claws-mail-win32-4.1.1-1/src/playground/install/lib/pkgconfig
> cd src/playground/build/claws_mail-4.1.1-build
> ../claws_mail-4.1.1/configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ...

I tried doing this, but it said: libetpan not found. I think I need to
build the dependencies first. And 'gpgcore' is a dependency. I probably
could disable the plugin that requires it, but since you said you were
able to build Claws from the Win32 Installer, I don't see why I cannot.

Just to reiterate/clarify, these are the steps I've taken:

    $ cd /home/enan/projects/claws-mail-win32-4.1.1-1
    $ # I'm in Installer source directory
    $ cd packages/
    $ ./download.sh
    $ cd ..
    $ ./autogen.sh --build-w64
    $ make

I'm facing error in this 'make' step.

3nan.ajmain at gmail.com

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