[Users] (FreeBSD) Claws Mail PGP/GPG Plugin - "No such file or directory" Error

Hunter Ellett hunter2k1 at disroot.org
Sun May 8 15:38:12 UTC 2022

On Sun, 8 May 2022 16:38:52 +0200
Milan Obuch <claws-mail-users at dino.sk> wrote:
> I do not know much on the subject, yet, but my gut feeling is you did
> not create your own GPG key.
I did. Actually, I used to use TDE (Trinity desktop environment) and had
one generated with Kgpg, but when I realized this generated an insecure
key I deleted the .gnupg directory and generated a new key myself from
CLI. The .gnupg directory was remade and appears to have everything it

> This looks like it somehow confirms the above - if there is no GPG key
> generated, it could not be found. Look into ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d
> directory, I think that's where they should be located. Hopefully
> somebody with more experience could chime in...

There are two in it, which is what I don't get. This is really weird
situation, maybe I shouldn't have deleted the whole .gnupg directory
but I didn't know if Kgpg (which is TDE's version) configured anything
in there itself. Now I have a vanilla .gnupg directory.

~ Hunter

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