[Users] Release / backport for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS focal?

blind Pete peter_s_d at fastmail.com.au
Sun May 1 09:10:00 UTC 2022

On Sat, 30 Apr 2022 11:02:00 +0200
renyhp <renyhp at disroot.org> wrote:

> Hello,


> Looking into it, it looks like there is no more recent release or
> backport for Ubuntu 20.04.

If you google for it there is somewhere on the Ubuntu web site where
you can request a backport, but I don't think that the code is finished, 
so it is probably a bit early for that.  

In the meantime consider this practice.
Here is (most of) the instructions about how to compile from git.  
I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS.  This is a near as you could ask for. 

Here is what I think it was that worked for me, as best as I can

You might need to turn on some repositories, probably not.

You will want this
  sudo apt build-dep claws-mail

I think that these packages had to be installed explicitly. 
  sudo apt-get install autogen checkinstall

Change directory to somewhere sensible to be your build directory. 
  mkdir gitbuilddir
  cd gitbuilddir

Some magic that I copied mindlessly from the 'net.
  git clone https://git.claws-mail.org/readonly/claws.git
  cd claws
  git fetch --all --tags
  tag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
  echo $tag
  git checkout $tag -b v$tag
  commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
  echo $commit

Just for fun you can do this to see what is going on
  git rev-list --tags --max-count=1
  git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`
They don't do anything useful, they just show how the output of one git
command is fed into the input of another.

Probably this, but I am not certain when, or if, it is necessary
  libtoolize --install

Definitely these 

  sudo checkinstall \
  --pkgname=claws-mail \
  --pkgversion=$tag \
  --pkgrelease=$commit \

The leading dot of "./autogen.sh" is important, as is the trailing "sh"
The backslashes are just one way of getting a very long line to not get
broken up badly. 

That should create a "deb" file, if something goes wrong stop and read
the error messages.

    ls -l claws-mail*

If successful; probably uninstall the prepackaged version with sudo
apt-get remove claws<tab><tab><return> as appropriate then install the
new one.

  sudo  dpkg -i claws-mail_4.1.0-d973a3e1d_amd64.deb

There is probably something wrong (or incomplete) with this, but the
best way to get the right answer is post a wrong answer.  :-)

Hope this helps

sig goes here...

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