[Users] More on the current message and folder coloration

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Tue Jul 19 06:06:52 UTC 2022

Hi all,

In researching this thing, I found that other GTk apps besides Claws-
Mail highlight the current reverse the foreground from black to white
when they apply a dark blue background. This includes Balsa and
Evolution. Claws-Mail's handling of highlighting in the message list
and folder list also differs from Claws-Mail's handling of highlighting
on its menu system, where the foreground turns from black to white in
the Claws-Mail menu system.

I think that pre 4.1.0, Claws Mail turned the foreground to white in
order to be visible when the current message had a dark blue
background. Black foreground on a dark blue background is very hard to
read, whereas white foreground on a dark blue background is easy to

Is anybody else seeing the current message in the list as black on dark
blue? Is there a Claws Mail setting to reverse the foreground when
highlighted? Please remember, in this experiment I'm using the same GTk
theme for Claws-Mail, Balsa and Evolution. Is this black on dark blue



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