[Users] Running CM on a new box

Dustin Miller dustbiz at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 12:12:17 UTC 2022

On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 07:33:45 -0400
"Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI" <renaud at olgiati-in-paraguay.org> wrote:

> I have installed CM on a new computer, copied ~/.config/.claws-mail
> to the new box.
> How can I run CM with this existing configuration, without going
> through the process where I have to give again all my information ? 
DM: Hi, Ron. Looks like you're on Linux, so you'll find the terminal
command 'info claws-mail' to be helpful. (The most relevant things for
this there are the listed default locations for things like mail
storage, the configuration directory, etc., as well as at least one of
the runtime options.)

DM: If you've copied your configuration directory and your mail storage
to the default locations (i.e. where Claws expects to find them), then
you should just be able to run CM and everything works. If not, then...

* For the config-dir, use the option '--alternate-config-dir' at
  run-time to point CM to wherever you put the config-dir. Sample of
  full command: 'claws-mail --alternate-config-dir /path/to/config/dir
  %u' (not sure what the '%u' is for, but it's in the default basic
  run-time command in the CM install on my system, so I'm assuming it's
  best to leave it in.

* For the mail storage, in the CM menu, go to 'File - Add Mailbox -
  MH...' and specify the path to wherever you've copied your mail

DM: If I understood your question, this should provide answers for
most/all of what you're wanting to do. You might need to load plugins
or do some other things manually, not sure. Hope that helps, ---Dustin

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