[Users] Fancy plugin / HTML

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 7 04:59:51 CEST 2021

On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 12:51:42 +1100, Peter Richards wrote:
>According to
>did the 'cd' , but just need clarification on what this means ? ..

Hi Peter,

an explanation is moot, since your Ubuntu release does provide webkit2,
the new webkit for GTK3, but Claws of your Ubuntu release is the GTK2
branch. The Ubuntu release you are using does not offer the needed
webkitgtk2 dependency to build "fancy" for the Claws GTK2 branch.

You need to compile Claws GTK3 with the fancy plugin.

On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 13:08:27 +1100, Peter Richards wrote:
>Hi Ralf,
>Just a quick one on libwebkit . It seems I have it installed  ..
>$ locate libwebkit

Yes, the runtime dependencies are installed, but you need to install
the headers to build "fancy".


Ubuntu does provide the headers usually by packages that are named
"...-dev" (sometimes it's another suffix) and that are usually (not
always) available by the official "default" repositories, which is the
case for libwebkit2gtk.


Again, this build and runtime dependency is required for the GTK3
branch of Claws, it is not used by the Claws GTK2 branch that is
provided by Ubuntu's repositories.


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