[Users] Fancy plugin / HTML

Peter Richards peter777 at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Oct 6 03:06:43 CEST 2021


I've been using the LiteHTML plugin but recently it just displays all
the HTML as a greyed area. Installed the DILO plugin and can actually
read the HTML okay now, but the links don't work.  Meaning the plugin
was not able to copy links/urls from the HTML.

So I went back to LiteHTML , but not wanting to stay with it.  Looked
at the facncy plugin. It seems it is meant to be included with
Claws/Ubuntu but it's not in Synaptic.  Tried

$ sudo apt-get install claws-mail-fancy-plugin
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package claws-mail-fancy-plugin

The Claws docs stated it is included with the Claws source, so
downloaded the same version (3.17.5) as I'm running here, and sure
enough, there it is. I wonder why it is not included in Kubuntu 20.04 ??

Anyway, can I compile it and then install it ??  Looked at
 , so will read through that and see if it makes sense.

It seems the Claws version in Ubuntu/Kubuntu is slightly behind. If I
go to https://www.claws-mail.org/releases.php , the latest is 4.0.0
(10-July-2021) , and the version I use is 3.17.5 (23-February-2020)

I'm not sure what is required to have the latest Claws available for
Ubuntu 20.04 ?


Peter Richards
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The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

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