[Users] Dark theme for Windows

Thorsten Maerz info at netztorte.de
Wed Jul 28 21:23:58 CEST 2021

On Tue, 27 Jul 2021 18:35:00 -0500
Earl Hood <earlhood.eps at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to set up Claws Mail 3.18.0 on a Windows 10 system.
> I am having difficulty getting claws to use any gtk theme.
> I have placed GTK themes under the following location:
>   %USERPROFILE%\.themes
> I created the following file:
>   %USERPROFILE%\.gtkrc-2.0

The gtk2 version of the mswin port used a hardcoded theme, so you
cannot override it.
In the gtk3 version, I've removed that code, so it uses the settings
from the rc file (which is .\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini).


Best regards,

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