[Users] Strange behaviour with FROM and TO boxes since upgrading ??

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 23:29:06 CET 2021

Hey there,

Peter Richards wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:
>> I right-clicked it to copy it and it vanished from view. This is
>> exactly as you've described it.  
>Yes, and the 'disappearing' happens in the search box as well, it
>seems anything that has a dropdown behaviour.

Ah, okay, thanks. I hadn't gone any further with it.

>> I then opened Claws Mail and composed an email. This time, when I
>> selected the text in the From field, its background turned dark
>> blue and when I right-clicked it to copy it, its background turned
>> grey and the text was still visible.  
>Okay thanks, so Raleigh works as well. It's good that one can test
>this problem in the Application Style menu.

Yeah, that was pretty handy for quick tests. I chose the Raleigh
theme since it was one of the three choices available by default.
Then, even though it was possible to do the tests in the Application
Style  interface, once it was working, I decided to install Claws Mail
in the VM to make sure it also worked there.

>> https://imgur.com/a/5Erspbv
>Wow, thanks for doing that documentation, great job. I was thinking
>of doing a short video but got bogged down ..lol

No worries. It was quick.

>> It's definitely something that can be found and changed by poking
>> around, but the current GTK way of handling CSS is quite a dance
>> for an end user to poke around in, so all I can say is good luck
>> if you plan on hunting it down.  
>I don't have plans for diving deeper, my scuba gear only goes down a
>certain level.  :)

Same here. I made a valiant attempt to examine it all and make some
sense out of it last summer and decided it was too much of a mess, so
I'm just walking away.

>I used Synaptic to install the Adwaita theme, and found that it only
>worked in Claws when the Application Style was set for both GTK2 and

Yeah, I saw that you had mentioned that in another message in here.
Thanks for pointing it out. That's the kind of thing that can end up
being a real head-scratcher if you're not aware of it.

>In Claws the 'theme' is set to Phoenity, yet it seems it is an icon
>set not a theme.

Yep, and I agree that that should be renamed to avoid confusion.

>Everything works fine now, thanks for your help.

I'm glad to hear it. It's always nice when a plan comes together.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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