[Users] Strange behaviour with FROM and TO boxes since upgrading ??

Peter Richards peter777 at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 4 23:08:32 CET 2021

On Mon, 4 Jan 2021 16:24:57 -0500
Little Girl <littlergirl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey there,
> Peter Richards wrote:
> >Having spent the last week or so trying SO many different themes,
> >changes to colours, fonts and even resorted to installing the NVIDIA
> >driver which I have never had to do, the problem still exists. (In
> >fact installing that driver has given me a truckload of other font
> >issues, so that has compounded things).  
> I don't have Claws Mail installed on the copy of Kubuntu 20.04 that
> I've got in a VM, but I poked around a bit to see if Kubuntu still has
> GTK-specific settings like it used to. It does, so just out of
> curiosity, have you followed these steps yet to try GTK-specific
> theming?
> 1. Open the K Menu.
> 2. Choose "Settings" from the menu.
> 3. Choose "System Settings" from the submenu.
> 4. Choose "Application Style" in the left sidebar.
> 5. Choose "Configure GNOME/GTK Application Style..." at the bottom of
> the screen.
> 6. Choose a theme for GTK2 and GTK3 and apply the changes or download
> a different theme if none of the available ones work well.

Thanks, yes I tried that. In the 'preview' if one enters some text and
then tries to select the text, the text "disappears".  There is a
'download new GNOME/GTK styles" button there, so I will use that to try
some other themes. It will make it much easier to find/test, thanks for
your help.



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