[Users] Image attachments, when displayed, are now resized to fit the available width rather than the available height / no choice?

Raymond Ouellette rouelle2te at posteo.net
Wed Oct 7 04:24:43 CEST 2020

Claws-Mail was updated to 3.17.7 on 28 September (Arch Linux 64) and I 
noticed this new behavior in the release notes:

* Image Viewer: Image attachments, when displayed, are now resized
   to fit the available width rather than the available height.

I dislike this behavior and really prefer the previous one (fit to 
height), clicking on the image was showing it in it's full size anyway.

Would it be possible to choose fit to width or fit to height in 
Claws-Mail settings?

I'm wondering how many users really prefer this new behavior? Giving us 
the choice in a setting would be nicer and more respectful of user's 
tastes ;-)

Happy user of Claws-Mail since Sylpheed-Claws...



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