[Users] Claws Mail GTK3 **beta** unleashed

Paul Rolland (=?UTF-8?B?44Od44O844Or44O744Ot44Op44Oz?=) rol at witbe.net
Tue Nov 3 10:09:49 CET 2020

Sorry, self-reply ;(

It seems this is not caused by all the invitations. I have some not causing
the issue. 
The ones having that weird effect have "long" lines in the "Description",
such as:

Cliquez ici pour participer à la
Pour en savoir plus<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Options de

Commenting the line
TABLE_ADD_LINE(_("Description:"), vcalviewer->description);
in vcalendar.c and that weird behavior is gone.... as well as the
description of the invite ;)
So, this really looks like it is related to this specific invite.

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