[Users] Newbee: Can't install plugins in windows

Martin Hvidberg martin at hvidberg.net
Fri Mar 27 10:53:38 CET 2020

Hi - forgive me I'm new.

I just installed Claws on my windows (work) computer, because it seems
to have number of really attractive features, including SpamAssassin,
filtering with python, GPG, and several more...

But in my world a lot of email are html. I know you don't encourage
that, but I would like to receive and read html emails.

So I want to install the fancy plugin (I guess that is what I want)

According to your web page (https://www.claws-mail.org/plugins.php)
These plugins are included in the Claws Mail source package, which can
be downloaded from here: https://www.claws-mail.org/releases.php

Inside the pack that matches my install 'claws-mail-3.17.4.tar.gz' I
find Fancy as C source code.

But according to the instructions in the manual
(claws-mail-manual.html#ch_plugins) I expected a .so file?

And if I use the instruction in that same manual: "To load a plugin go
to "Configuration/Plugins" and click the "Load Plugin" button." I get
asked to pick a file, but the box only accepts .dll files?

So now I'm a bit confused... How do I install plugins on windows?
- Am I supposed to compile them from C (no problem I'm an old C person)?
- Should I expect to install them as .so or .dll
- Should I really not be using Claws on windows, but go back to the
  horrible client that my employer provides?

Best regards

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