[Users] Attach one message to another

Paul claws at thewildbeast.co.uk
Thu Jul 16 21:13:09 CEST 2020

On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 13:13:26 -0500
Ralph <suselist at cableone.net> wrote: 

> Most basic of questions probably but I have never known how to do this
> within claws...
> I am replying to one email.  I want to attach a different email thread
> from a different sender to the email I am replying to.  How do I do
> this within claws?

If you didn't mean 'thread', but meant 'attach'....

With the new Compose window open, locate the message you want to attach in
the Message List, and select it. Then drag'n'drop the top MIME icon (from the
column to the right of the message view), the one which is of Type
message/rfc822 (seen in the tooltip). Drop it into the Compose window. When
you see the dialogue asking if you want to insert or attach it, click the
Attach button.

You MUST ensure that this attachment has the 'MIME type' of message/rfc822,
so check it does (From the Attachments tab), and edit if it doesn't.

with regards


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