[Users] [Bug 4304] folder filter

noreply at thewildbeast.co.uk noreply at thewildbeast.co.uk
Tue Feb 11 01:26:35 CET 2020


--- Comment #2 from Pierre Fortin <pf at pfortin.com> ---
I'm aware of GoTo...  Recall that a while back, I suggested that GoTo should be
one level higher -- it's a full menu on its own...  

Anyway, this request is for a folder FILTER, not a goto...  Similarly to Quick
Search where we can see messages containing a string; it would be a great time
saver to see only certain folders (e.g., "bugs" folders for all the products I
file reports on) that are scattered throughout a large folder tree.

View/GoTo/Folder... (or "g") always goes to the first occurrence -- sure,
up/down will move between these folders; but unlike Quick Search which persists
until cleared, GoTo must be repeated for each folder desired.  

In the way Quick Search shows only matching messages, Folder Filter would show
only matching Folders, allowing quickly moving between them.

I appreciate that CM is FAST CPU-wise -- I'm suggesting one way to make it
faster for the user... 


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