[Users] Unable to use Claws Mail

Ralph suselist at cableone.net
Sat Dec 19 20:49:28 CET 2020


If you are using pop3 (don't know with imap as I don't use) you can just
follow the instructions they sent you way back when they made the
switch in October, i.e. "Option 3: You can generate a one-time, unique
password that will allow you to sign in to your account using your
non-Yahoo email application. Once created, this password will continue
to allow your app to securely sync your Yahoo email unless you sign out
(or are signed out) from your app. You can find instructions on how to
do this here."

The "here" link in the above was encoded so I won't paste it here but
you can get the same info at: 


You will need to add the new/generated password to your yahoo account
setting in claws.  Note that though the yahoo instructions say " unless
you sign out (or are signed out) from your app." this has not ever
happened to me, the original generated password still works two months
later after many log-outs / reboots of the desktop os, and this is true
even though I switched temporarily from claws linux to claws windows.

HTH.  Ralph

On Sat, 19 Dec 2020 21:10:17 +0200
Κώστας Θεοφάνους via Users <users at lists.claws-mail.org> wrote:

> Hello to all,
> Claws Mail was included in my OS (Linux) and I really enjoyed using
> it to access my Yahoo account, but ever since Yahoo made it
> compulsory to use OAUTH2 authentication, I can't use it any more.
> Although I've searched a lot, I haven't found a solution to this
> problem. Is there something that can help?
> Thank you.

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