[Users] Unmarking "marked" messages.

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 17:40:27 CEST 2020

Hey there,

Paul wrote:
>Little Girl wrote: 

>> As far as I know, you have to manually open every existing folder
>> and make those choices when you initially set this up (at least I
>> hope that's true, because that's how I did it and it took forever
>> and I'm gonna kick the heck out of myself if there was a simpler
>> way and I didn't realize it). Once that's finished, however, you
>> can go into the top-level folder and make sure there's a check in
>> the box in the "Apply to subfolders" column so that any new
>> folders you create underneath that one will automatically have the
>> settings you prefer.  

>If I understand you correctly, this is wrong.
>What you say about using "Apply to subfolders" in the top-level
>folders is incorrect. This applies to existing sub-folders, not any
>new ones. So you could have done that to set up the Processing rule
>choices for all folders in the first place, rather than entering
>every folder initially.

Ah, then I did do it backwards.

>When creating new folders there is a checkbox to "Inherit properties
>and processing rules from parent folder".

That's true, and I always check that. Thanks for pointing all of this
out here, though, so the original poster will see it, too.

>If your plan is to remove all Marks from all messages, then either a
>Pre-Processing or a Post-Processing rule would probably be better
>than a replicated Processing rule in each and every folder.
>and /Configuration/Post-processing...

Interesting. I never knew the difference, so I had just picked one
(which, in my case, was pre-processing rules) and gone with it. Now
that I've looked that page over, I can see the advantages of each of
them and will be modifying mine to make them more efficient.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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