[Users] Some claws mail questions.

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Fri Aug 14 03:18:08 CEST 2020

Thanks to all who responded to my previous questions.  (And to those
who may respond to the current lot!!!)

This mailing list appears to be a good reason, in and of itself, for
switching from Thunderbird to claws-mail.  Getting useful information
out of Thunderbird was like pulling hens' teeth! :-)

I have now got claws mail running, to the extent that I can send and
receive messages (thanks to Paul for help with the send bit).

I now have a number of questions that I would appreciate some help with.

(1) Searching through messages.  Is it possible to search through
messages (for e.g. a specified "From") in *all* folders, rather than
one folder at a time?

Since I have a huge number of folders it is tedious to search one
folder at a time.  (And I sometimes have no idea where I've put
something!  Also slip-ups in drag-and-drop seem to have the unfortunate
effect of moving a message to some random location of which I have no

I suspect that the answer to this question is "No" and I'll just have
to learn to live with it.  (I got used to being able to "search
everything" in Thunderbird.)

(2) Subscribe:  Scratch this one!  I've figured it out myself!!!

(3) Plugins: I want to install the "Dillo" plugin.  I (successfully?)
installed the Dillo web browser.  After a bit of thrashing and Googling
around, I managed to download


and then did

    sudo dpkg -i *.deb

However I got the error:

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of
claws-mail-dillo-viewer:amd64: claws-mail-dillo-viewer:amd64 depends on
claws-mail (= 3.17.4-1); however: Version of claws-mail on system is

When I installed claws-mail via "sudo apt install", version 3.16.0-1
was what I got.  As far as I can discern, dillo-viewer plugins are
available only for claws-mail versions 3.17.4-1, 3.17.5-2 and 3.17.6-1.

Can I/should I upgrade to a 3.17* version?  How do I do this, given
that "sudo apt install gives me 3.16.0-1?

That's it for now.  I will probably have yet more question later.
(Sorry 'bout that! :-) )


Rolf Turner

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