[Users] How to use python to send mail from claws-mail

Ranjan Maitra maitra at email.com
Thu May 23 15:23:34 CEST 2019

Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated!

On Thu, 23 May 2019 12:27:45 -0000 Paul <claws at thewildbeast.co.uk> wrote:

> On Sun, 19 May 2019 15:33:27 -0500
> Ranjan Maitra <maitra at gmx.com> wrote:
> > My apologies for the error (I meant claws-mail. not sylpheed) in the
> > Subject line of my previous e-mail! Looking forward to some advice.
> Yeah, I saw that you asked about this on the sylpheed mailing list, and that
> your copy/paste was incomplete. I also note that you're using sylpheed
> (still) and not claws-mail....

I did post a similar (not same) e-mail to the sylpheed mailing list, but the python code here is actually substantially more developed than in that most and (I hope) better-explained. I pretty much consider sylpheed and claws-mail as inseparable for my purposes, and indeed both claws-mail and sylpheed on my system link to the same directories (folders). I use both interchangeably based on whether I want to use the additional claws-mail features (essentially plugins) or not.

> Your python script will almost certainly need modifying, but you should be
> able to achieve what you want with with a Local account using a command to
> send mail, and/or an Action.

I understand that my python script will require modification, but I was wondering if I could find an example of what is returned by claws-mail (and in what form) when I use "Use External command to send mail". This is what I am looking for and would help greatly!

Many thanks and best wishes,
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