[Users] crash on Windows 8.1 caused by libcairo-2.dll

Cristian Secară liste at secarica.ro
Tue Jun 13 15:24:17 CEST 2017

În data de Tue, 13 Jun 2017 14:06:53 +0200, Andrej Kacian a scris:

> One possible solution would be to upgrade to a newer version of cairo.
> We're using an older version deliberately, due to a performance
> regression[1] that AFAIK has not yet been addressed upstream.

I'm on ATI/AMD Radeons, so – according to that report which involves
Intel graphics – I suppose I will not be able to notice the regression

> I will go over their build system[2] to see if they're applying any
> interesting patches or using any special build options, and I can have
> a test build out in a few days, if you or other affected users are
> willing to test them.

Sure I can.

I don't think it's important, but rather as curiosity – when I used the
two .dlls from the
package, Claws Mail worked well on Windows 8.1, except for one instance
where I tried to delete several messages at once and suddenly a child
window started to clone itself recursively, slowly filling my desktop
(which forced me to kill the task). I never use Claws Mail full screen
and have no idea if this makes any difference.

Then, after I replaced the two .dlls from Inkscape install (which are
different and/or perhaps newer than the ones from win32builder page),
I never experienced the self-clone window (d)effect, *yet* :)
(more than 3-4 days for now)


Cristian Secară

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