[Users] Move #mh to shared folder.

Mark Filipak markfilipak.linux at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 23:38:50 CEST 2013

On 2013/4/5 4:25 PM, Paul wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Apr 2013 14:02:29 -0400
> Mark Filipak <markfilipak.linux at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Specifically, when, at the end of the Claws 1st-run it asks for
>> "Mailbox name", but it's not really asking for the mailbox name
>> ("aerotek" is the name of my 1st mailbox). What it's really asking
>> for the Mailboxes base folder name ("Mail" - in fact, "Mail" is
>> pre-filled in the text box).
> It _is_ asking the right question.

No, it's not.

> You seem to be confusing an account name 'aerotek' with the mailbox name 'Mail'.

To the rest of the world, when someone sees a graphic that says "aerotek Inbox" and they 'see' messages accumulate in it, they say that it's the "aerotek mailbox", not the "aerotek account". It's a visual thing. An account is a programming abstraction, a data structure, not a thing. A mailbox is a thing. You have to go with what people expect, not with what you think is correct. In this case, the people are correct, but even if they weren't, you'd still have to go with their expectations. The 'Mail' folder that holds the mailboxes is like a post office or a mailbox business. It's a holder of mailboxes or an aggregation of mailboxes, it's not the actual mailboxes. If it was up to me to decide the issue, I'd change 'Mail' to 'Mailboxes', '~/Mailboxes/aerotek', '~/Mailboxes/experian', etc.

> The Mailbox _is_ the base folder name, i.e. Mailbox == base folder name.

No, in the wizard it's called 'Mail', not 'Mailbox'.

> with regards
> Paul

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