[Users] Privacy issue (was Webmail support in Claws Mail )

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Mon Jan 30 22:51:16 CET 2012


Dňa Mon, 30 Jan 2012 22:15:02 +0100 alb348 at gmail.com napísal:

> What I want is simply to bypass the privacy violation inherent in the 
> SMTP protocol.

...and move it to HTTP protocol and web server's log? I don't understand
what is the advantage of this "privacy". It has nothing with privacy, while
your IP is still logged, only your employer (and others) cannot see it in
simple way, but they still can to see it. And, some people are able to
send these "privacy" mails via employer's webmail :-D

Identifying the self (as sender) is not privacy violation, but
respectability, identifing the sender's position is not a privacy
violation too, but a lot of years used system. It is obvious system in
standard mail too, in the postmark, where is a sender's post city
information. If you don't want to recipient can know the city of send,
simply go to another city and post it from there (tunnel, as wrote someone

If you want to protect your geo position, use anonymous mail services, or
simply - don't send a email (nor mail) from there, or use postal pigeon ;-)

As i wrote at start, the privacy of the webmail is not true privacy. True
privacy can provide only your own service (but here is knowledge required
to start and manage it). If someone other has some information about you
(the webmail provider), these will never be secure at all. 


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