[Users] The reply mark in subject (R: Re:) recognition

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Wed Aug 8 15:09:11 CEST 2012


Dňa Wed, 8 Aug 2012 14:38:49 +0200 Paul Rolland (ポール・ロラン)
<rol at witbe.net> napísal:

> RFC5322, 3.6.5:
> ...
>    When used in a reply, the field body MAY start with the
>    string "Re: " (an abbreviation of the Latin "in re", meaning "in the
>    matter of") followed by the contents of the "Subject:" field body of
>    the original message.  If this is done, only one instance of the
>    literal string "Re: " ought to be used since use of other strings or
>    more than one instance can lead to undesirable consequences.
> ...

One more reason to done this configurable (not in mean configurable
text which CM adds, but configurable mangling of the existing subject), to
prevent the subject in form:

"Re: R: Re: etc"

Because with this, while CM respects the RFC, it produces the violation of
this. Yes, i know it is initialy caused out of CM.

I agree, hardcodeing these "mangling" variants is bad idea, but
configuration on per-user (and per-cause) base can solve this and can
prevent to produce the bad output from CM.


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