[Translators] Next release for Clawsker (1.1.1)

Ricardo Mones ricardo at mones.org
Tue Dec 19 12:01:56 CET 2017

Hi all,

Next Sunday (24th December) there will be a new release of Clawsker.

No new strings have been added since last release, so if you've updated it
in last translation call you're lucky and have nothing else to do.

If you haven't, or want to submit a new translation, well, this is the
moment ;-) for reference current translation status of Clawsker is:

225 / 88.93% - id.po
253 / 100.00% - ca.po
253 / 100.00% - da.po
253 / 100.00% - de.po
253 / 100.00% - es.po
253 / 100.00% - fr.po
253 / 100.00% - nb.po
253 / 100.00% - nl.po
253 / 100.00% - pt_BR.po
253 / 100.00% - sv.po
253 / 100.00% - tr.po

For those willing to do it you can grab the pot file directly from last
translation call¹ attachment or directly from git².

Thanks in advance and happy translation,

¹ http://lists.claws-mail.org/pipermail/translators/2017-March/000578.html
² http://git.claws-mail.org/?p=clawsker.git;a=blob_plain;f=poclawsker.pot;h=c5b4d77a99774d364452727bda26c867821e8a70;hb=HEAD
  Ricardo Mones 
  You have the capacity to learn from mistakes. You'll learn a lot 
  today.                                           /usr/games/fortune

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