[Users] How to check if Bogofilter is still working?

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Fri May 31 15:30:02 UTC 2024

Dňa 31. mája 2024 14:50:47 UTC používateľ Gil Weber <gilweber at bellsouth.net> napísal:

>OK, so for thousands of messages I have been using the drop-down in
>the top bar and selecting either "learn as spam" or "learn as ham."

IMO you misunderstand the concept. The CM is not frontend for
bogofilter, it just allow one to train it (and filter by it), but both are
independent projects and software.

>Has all of that been wasted effort trying to teach Bogofilter? Is it
>instead **required** to so as you suggest and select either "Mark as
>spam" or "Mark as ham?"

If you want to do initial train of bogofilter you can:

+ be patient and train it as message arrives
+ be impatient and train it by bunch of messages

In second case, you can again train it from CM, but would be better
to visit bogofilter docs, where are described better approaches.



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