[Users] Folder scroll position at folder entry

Dustin Miller dustbiz at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 09:15:17 UTC 2024

On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 08:30:30 -0000
Paul <paul at claws-mail.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 13:34:17 +0600
> Dustin Miller <dustbiz at gmail.com> wrote: 
> > In my experience (w/ the GTK3 version of Claws), a
> > default fresh install can also have problems. I experienced this
> > when I moved from using Linux Mint Debian 5 to 6.  
> But not this problem in this thread, right?
DM: No, a different one, that's right.
> ... and, wasn't that an upgrade rather than a fresh install?
DM: I think the first time I noticed it was on an upgrade, but later I
observed the same thing on a fresh install. And one of the themes that
worked fine in LMDE 5 but not in 6 was 'Greybird Pro'. Funny thing is, I
finally found a Linux Mint theme that was workable, and then I switched
to using Sparky Linux (based on Debian), so the Mint themes were no
longer available by default, and a quick search online didn't bring
them up in the 'usual' (to me) places. 🤷‍♂️️ So I went through another
round of theme experimenting, which got me to something tolerable, but
with some quirks. Since then, I've figured out how to get the Mint
theme that worked with LMDE 6 ('Mint-L-Darker-Teal', with the
'Mint-L-Teal' icons theme) and that I actually enjoy (or at least don't
mind) using.

DM: But back to the OP's (or the other person's) actual issue, I found
it interesting that their re-drawing the window (pane?) with 'Ctrl +
Alt + U' (menu's 'View' - 'Update Summary') fixed the issue, since I
still do that periodically when I lose my color highlighting in the
list view. So it seems there's some overlap there in regards to needing
to do a 'manual' re-draw, and I know / (think?) some people have 'fixed'
the color highlighting loss issue with either a theme (?) change or
tweaking the GTK CSS settings.

DM: So it seems that there's some sort of interaction between Claws and
GTK3 that results in certain themes causing issues on certain system
setups, and that some of those that show up in the list view can be
'resolved' with a 'manual' re-draw. But I'm not sure how one would go
about identifying where the problem(s) is/are and the best solution(s)
for fixing them. ---Dustin

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