[Users] Folder scroll position at folder entry

Jacob Joseph jacob at jjoseph.org
Sat Jun 22 14:08:40 UTC 2024


I've continued to be frustrated by this behavior and have continued to think
about reproduction.  Most recently, and to no avail, I removed all of my claws
configuration and started anew. The challenge I have is that I am unable to
*not* reproduce it: the message list always scrolls to the top at folder entry
no matter what I try.  It is true that this occurs only when selecting the
folder with the mouse.  Similarly, refreshing the view with ctrl-alt-u causes it
to scroll to the currently selected message.

Insprired by Vilius' suggestions, I've played with various marking or locks
without any change in behavior.  I have no processing rules, particularly after
removing all of the claws configuration.  For good measure, I have no plugins
loaded either.


On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 17:12:37 +0200
Vilius Panevėžys <vilius at elitnet.lt> wrote:

> Hi,
> I realised something I had not thought about before: the affected
> folders all have a filtering rule to move messages to them and a
> processing rule to delete messages older than X days. Turns out merely
> disabling the processing rule makes the issue no longer reproducible.
> Another crucial detail is at least one locked message that would be
> deleted.
> The following scenario reproduces the issue. Hopefully, not only on my
> machine.
> 0. As mentioned before in this thread, I use ascending message sort by
> thread date. This is probably related, so set this globally or on the
> test folder. At the very least the expected/actual result would be
> inverse of what is described below.
> 1. Create a folder.
> 2. Copy over one thousand messages. One thousand is not a magic
> threshold at which the issue starts happening, but a greater number of
> messages seems to increase the frequency at which the issue happens.
> One of the folders that suffers from this issue has a little over 100
> messages but the issue happens only occasionally. My current test folder
> has 1139 messages, which is enough to consistently reproduce the issue.
> 3. Lock at least one message.
> 4. Set a processing rule `age_greater X delete`. Choose X such that the
> locked message is older than X days (i.e. would be deleted had it not
> been locked), but the folder would still have over 1000 messages after
> messages older than X are deleted on the next folder entry.
> 5. Select the last message in the folder.
> 6. Click on Inbox.
> 7. Click on the test folder.
> Repeat steps 6. and 7. as much as your patience allows. You should get
> get the message list view positioned at the top (instead of at the
> bottom with the selected message visible) around 80-90%.
> I hope other people can reproduce and this bug can be squashed at last!
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