[Users] Claws lost my accounts upon -9 kill

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Sun Jun 16 16:04:05 UTC 2024

Dňa 16. júna 2024 14:28:50 UTC používateľ pete <petegn at mail.com> napísal:

>I get regular power outages here  and have never had that happen across open
>Suse Arch  and now Manjaro

It can depend on used filesystem, its version and/or disk's technology.

Dekades ago i power down linux machine by unplug cable (virtually)
without worry. Years ago i used raiserfs everywhere, i didn't noticed
any problem, then i start to use ext4 and (at least in that time) i meet
some problems from time to time. In recent years i start to use UPS
even for my home PC, from time when (my) disks gets own huge caches
and/or SMR/SSD, and (of course) regular backups...



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